Chrissy Burbank


The Owner and the President of the West Coast Extraction Services (WCES) is not a typical Executive. She can be found either in a boardroom or her office or on a job with a pressure washer wand in her hand on the same day. She never shies away from rolling up her sleeves and helping her cleaning teams on a project. The years of hard work that her father dedicated to building of the WCES is well continued with Chrissy’s dedication and perseverance.

Erik Burbank

Vice President & Secretary Treasurer

Cell: (604) 834-2284

Proin eleifend arcu lorem, at sollicitudin velit consequat sed. Nam ut luctus arcu. Sed vel ex eu risus iaculis venenatis. Nulla quis interdum nulla, eu pellentesque lorem. Etiam id felis sit amet risus viverra tempor nec sit amet urna. Cras quis rhoncus nunc. Curabitur eu eros quis nisi fringilla rutrum nec sit amet enim. Curabitur pretium est at justo facilisis dictum. Nunc volutpat euismod diam id gravida. Sed id tortor maximus, tempus magna sed, dapibus dolor.

Tyson Williams

Assistant Operations Manager

Proin eleifend arcu lorem, at sollicitudin velit consequat sed. Nam ut luctus arcu. Sed vel ex eu risus iaculis venenatis. Nulla quis interdum nulla, eu pellentesque lorem. Etiam id felis sit amet risus viverra tempor nec sit amet urna. Cras quis rhoncus nunc. Curabitur eu eros quis nisi fringilla rutrum nec sit amet enim. Curabitur pretium est at justo facilisis dictum. Nunc volutpat euismod diam id gravida. Sed id tortor maximus, tempus magna sed, dapibus dolor.

Candice Brown

Operations Manager


Cell: 604.834.9495

Candice is an example of a dedicated employee who can serve as Chrissy’s right hand; both in the office and on a job. Her unmatched dedication to client satisfaction helped propel her from a position of a cleaner to the Operations Manager. She serves as a solid conduit between client’s representatives and WCES.
